Kurulus Osman
is a Turkish historical, adventure television series based on the biography of Sultan Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire. It is a sequel to the popular historical fiction TV series Dirilis: Artugrul, based on the life story of Osman’s father, Artugrul. Kurulus covers Osman’s internal and external struggles and how he established and controlled the Ottoman Empire. It depicts his struggle against the Byzantines and Mongols and how he was able to declare the independence of the Sultanate of Rum to stand against the Byzantine and Mongol empires and establish a sovereign state to honor the Turks. Orguz gives insight into the personal lives of the founders of the Turkish community and their early history of establishing the Sultanate. Osman’s character faces many enemies and traitors in his quest and the series depicts how he overcomes these obstacles and fulfills his dreams with the help of his loyal companions, family and friends.
Those who have seen Dirilis Artugrul before will already know about Kurulus Osman. Osman is the son of Arturgrul. We have all heard the name Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire, or Ottoman Empire, was the empire that established Islamic rule over a large continent for nearly 600 years, from 1299 to 1923. And this Ottoman Empire was built by the hands of Osman. The Kurulus Usman series follows the story of how Usman gradually built his empire from the beginning. The name Ottoman originally comes from Osman. In fact, the English did not pronounce the name Osman like this. They spoke Ottoman. Everyone knows the Ottoman Empire from here.
Now let’s talk about the series. Then the Mongols came from Asia to conquer Europe. While trying to occupy Turkey, first Artugrul then Osman fought against the Mongols. The first series ended with 27 episodes. At the end of episode 27, the Mongols are seen defeated. Also captured a fort from the Christians. This is how the Ottoman Empire may have started. The series focuses on the Islamic faith and placing utmost trust in Allah. Watch the series to see how Usman moves forward despite various conspiracies.
Let’s know in more detail
Artgrul Osman Ghazi was the leader of the Ottoman Turks and the founder of the Ottoman dynasty. The Ottoman Empire was small in size during the time of Uthman and later became a huge empire. The empire survived until the abolition of the Sultanate in 1922. Born 13 February 1258 Sogut, Anatolia. Father-Artugrul Gazi, Mother-Halima Hatun.
According to a popular belief, Ertugrul, the father of Osman I, brought the Turkic Kayi tribe from Central Asia to Anatolia to protect them from Mongol invasion. Osman Rum Sultan first expressed his allegiance to Kayakism. On 17 January 1299, the Sultan of Rum granted him permission to establish a kingdom in Anatolia and expand its borders westward towards the Byzantines. The Ottoman Empire was one of the small Turkish states that emerged in Anatolia after the collapse of the Seljuks. Among these states, the Ottomans eventually united Anatolia under Turkish rule. Due to the westward invasion of the Mongols, a large number of Muslims sought refuge in Osman’s kingdom. The fall of the Byzantine Empire led to the rise of the Ottoman Empire.
After his father’s death, Usman became the chief or bey. By this time, soldiers from all over the Islamic world flocked to the territories under its rule to fight against the weakened Byzantine Empire. Also, many refugees sought refuge in Osman’s emirate to escape the Mongols. There were many Ghazis among them. Under the able leadership of Uthman, these warriors quickly developed into an effective force and thereby laid the foundations of the empire.
Usman Ghazi respected the famous Shaikh Edibali and valued his opinion. He often met Edibali.
The dream he saw while staying at Edibali’s dargah one night, he told Edibali the next day. He said, “My Shaykh, I saw you in my dream. A moon has appeared on your chest. It continued to rise and landed on my chest. A tree grows from my navel. It grows and branches so much that its shadow covers the whole earth. What does this dream mean??
After a moment of silence Edibali explained:
“Congratulations Usman! Almighty Allah has granted sovereignty to you and your progeny. My daughter will be your wife and the whole world will be under the protection of your children.”
Usman’s contribution as a ruler
The Ottoman Empire was named after Osman. Uthman was a skilled administrator as well as a skilled soldier. At the same time, Uthman’s character traits included wisdom and tolerance. Usman was respected by everyone around him because he did not impose anything on anyone as a ruler. As a result there was no conflict among his followers, only loyalty among all. His followers worked with him and obeyed him peacefully. And this is how social unity is formed in a small state and the state gets stability. Apart from this, Uthman formed his own army and conducted various campaigns by himself. Uthman embodied the ideology of Caliph Osman and, like Caliph Osman, placed justice above wealth and power. At the same time, his personal sovereignty was over the administration, so there were no hereditary conflicts among the Ottomans like other dynasties of the time.
Most of the leaders of Uthman’s neighboring villages and forts were Christians and were once enemies but in course of time they developed friendly relations with him and they converted to Islam. Not all Christians were forced to convert to Islam within the Ottoman Empire, but a large number of Christians converted to Islam of their own choice because they felt neglected by the Byzantine rulers and that the administration in Constantinople was deteriorating. As a result, due to practical wisdom, they leaned towards the disciplined and trustworthy Uthman.
This opened up opportunities for the Muslims and the Asian Greeks turned to the new faith and the new regime. The Ottomans were a model society that aimed to be like the Byzantines, i.e. to amass their power as the Seljuk Turks filled the void in the Arab Empire.
Slow state expansion
Uthman was in no hurry to expand the borders of his own kingdom by conquering neighboring kingdoms. Usman, a slow character, was waiting for the opportunity according to the plan. His doctrine was to live and learn and thus work in Byzantine territory. At that time the Byzantines ruled three cities. To the south was Bursa, in the middle was Nicaea, and to the north was Nicomedia. The three places were only a day’s journey from Uthman’s capital, but Uthman did not attack first.
Uthman was in no hurry to expand the borders of his own kingdom by conquering neighboring kingdoms. Usman, a slow character, was waiting for the opportunity according to the plan. His doctrine was to live and learn and thus work in Byzantine territory. At that time the Byzantines ruled three cities. To the south was Bursa, in the middle was Nicaea, and to the north was Nicomedia. The three places were only a day’s journey from Uthman’s capital, but Uthman did not attack first.
Unemployed soldiers from neighboring regions were easily recruited because these soldiers had long suffered neglect and oppression from Constantinople. Twelve years after his accession to power in the first year of the 14th century, Karun Hisare Uthman engaged in direct war with the Byzantine Empire. The Ottomans started looting in Nicomedia when the Greek troops came to stop them and were easily defeated. The loss of the royal army to a commoner caused anxiety among the Byzantine rulers and they began to consider Uthman’s territory, increasing Uthman’s popularity.
Unemployed soldiers from neighboring regions were easily recruited because these soldiers had long suffered neglect and oppression from Constantinople. Twelve years after his accession to power in the first year of the 14th century, Karun Hisare Uthman engaged in direct war with the Byzantine Empire. The Ottomans started looting in Nicomedia when the Greek troops came to stop them and were easily defeated. The loss of the royal army to a commoner caused anxiety among the Byzantine rulers and they began to consider Uthman’s territory, increasing Uthman’s popularity.
Interrupting communication between the two cities by sea, he attacked Bursa by land and captured it in 1326, and Osman died. The first capital of the Ottomans was established in occupied Bursa and Osman was buried in Bursa as per his wish.
Season 05
About Osmani Khelafot (উসমানী খেলাফত)
Watch Kurulus osman,Alparslan Buyuk Selcuklu, Barbaroslar, Destan and others Turkish and Islamic series and Movies With Bangla and English Subtitles 4K,FHD and HD FREE. Watch Turkish series and movies Bangla and English Subtitles within 3 hours of reliese of the episode Turkish series and movies Bangla and English Subtitles
Usmani Khilafat is a Bengali subtitle platform. We started our journey in June 2022. We are working towards promoting healthy culture. We provide Bengali subtitles for various Islamic, historical, social series and movies. Among our works are: Kurulus Usman, Uanish Buyuk Seljuk, Alp Arsalan Buyuk Seljuk, Barbaroslar, Destan, Mendirman Jalaluddin, Payithat Abdul Hamid, Mendirman Jalaluddin, Atesh Kushaliri and others. A group of young people are working to spread these series among Bengali speaking people. We want your love, information and opinion. We try our best to provide you our quality subtitles and we will continue to do so in the future. If you have any comments about our subtitles, please let us know by visiting Contact-Us on our website.
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